Great Natural Remedies To Help You Sleep Better

Discover incredible natural remedies for a blissful night’s sleep! In the midst of our fast-paced, demanding lives, it’s easy to sacrifice restful sleep due to overwhelming schedules and the stresses of work and family. However, sleep deprivation can take a toll on our well-being in ways we often underestimate. The good news is that you can reclaim peaceful slumber tonight with a range of home remedies for deep sleep. 

Unveil a treasure trove of the best natural remedies for insomnia and anxiety that are readily available in your own home. Bid farewell to restless nights and embrace the rejuvenating power of reliable house cleaners for a tranquil sleep sanctuary. 

Rejoice in the prospect of a restorative night’s rest once again!

Chamomile tea

Sometimes, back-to-basics is best. Chamomile tea is not only delicious, it has also been used to help people relax for centuries. It has been found that chamomile is a good aid in calming the nerves, reduce anxiety, and alleviate insomnia, which means that it’s definitely more than a simple folk remedy.

If using tea bags, try using two or three in the same cup; this will make a stronger brew, and therefore stronger effects, just remember to drink it after they have been steeped for a while so that it’s not too hot (burning your tongue is terrible for trying to fall asleep).


According to recent studies, people who are more physically active throughout the day tend to sleep better, too. Getting a sixty-minute exercise, five times per week helps normalize your REM sleep, which is the part that makes you feel rested.

The mechanism of it is still up in the air, but some doctors believe that it’s related to how exercise helps us regulate hormone secretion and blood pressure, which in turn reduces feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. Whatever the reason, the results speak for themselves, make some time for exercise! However, remember than tiredness helps, but exhaustion doesn’t. You might want to get some help with household chores for a while.

Get some sunlight

It might sound too obvious to explain, but your body’s natural clock actually needs to know when to feel awake and when to feel tired, and this is dictated by how your hypothalamus “notices” how the light changes throughout the day. Daylight means that it won’t produce much melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy and helps you rest), while at night it will produce more.

Make sure that you get enough sunlight during the day so that you’ll be more energized, even in short amounts, and turn off every light at night when going to sleep. You should also try to avoid screens for a little while before going to sleep, to let your body truly adapt to the dark. If you spend too much time inside while the day passes, your hypothalamus won’t “feel” the changes in sunlight, preventing you from sleeping better.

Add some pro-sleep foods to your diet

Many are at least somewhat familiar with how your diet affects your sleep, but do you know what are the foods that can help you fall asleep easier and let you rest more? Here are some of the most effective:

Almonds: Almonds (as well as cheese) is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps your body produce serotonin, which in turn makes your body feel relaxed. Not only that, but almonds also contain calcium and magnesium, which can increase the quality of your sleep.

Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acid, of which salmon has a lot, is a great aid in getting more restful sleep. You can also find Omega-3 in tuna, sardines, and mackerel.

Cherries: Surprisingly (and thankfully, in a sense), cherries are the only natural edible source of melatonin out there, so munching on a couple for dessert can help you fall asleep easier. Frozen cherries and glasses of tart cherry juice can also help.

Bananas: Not only are they rich in tryptophan, but they’re also excellent sources of potassium and magnesium, which promote muscle relaxation.

However, it’s not only what you eat, but what you don’t eat. Avoid consuming alcohol, caffeinated-drinks and food, and spicy things before sleeping.

California poppy

Steeping the leaves of California poppy in hot water for ten minutes will create a potent tea that will help you feel relaxed, sleepy, and ease your anxiety. However, be sure to only drink it before bed, because it will also make you feel sluggish and lethargic.

The remedies available for treating sleep are as numerous as the reasons for insomnia. If you find that no remedy can really help you get a good night of deep sleep, and you feel lethargic, anxious or depressed when awake, consider visiting a doctor specializing in sleep. However, don’t completely ignore the ones we describe above, they’ll surely help with whatever treatment your doctor prescribes!